Are you ready for some Waterfowl Hunting? If so, now is the time to book a guided hunt with Land & Sea Charters for guided waterfowl expedition. Captain Tim Land knows where to find them, and has numerous success and repeat customers that schedule with him throughout the year. Captain Tim can find a number of available species including mallards, spoon bills, teal, coots, a canvasback(drake), bluebill, and a redheads.
Waterfowl hunting in Florida is permitted on any water body with public access, with the exception to closed parks where firearm discharge is prohibited. Special permit requirements and restrictions may apply on Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), Water Management District (WMD) and National Wildlife Refuges (NWR). Captain Tim is familiar with these regulations, and will ensure that everyone abides by the laws, and enjoys a good hunt.
If you are looking to cook up your mess of ducks or other wildlife, a number of fantastic recipes can be found on the internet. Here are a few tips on cooking these waterfowl:
- Don’t overcook them. Rare-to-medium is the mantra
- Slow cook legs, thighs, and wings to make them tender
- With diving ducks (scaup, ringnecks, red-heads, etc.), you may need to brine them to soften the fishy taste. You can use salt, sugar and garlic plus an assortment of herbs to your liking.
- With domestic geese or ducks remove all body cavity fat, and prick the skin with a filet knife. Many of these birds are flying pigs.
When you are ready to schedule a trip, contact us!